Tsuchizaki Shinmeishasai Festival and the Hikiyama Ritual

20-21 July, Akita (Akita prefecture)

The ritual is held during the annual festival of Tsuchizaki Shinmeisha, which is the general shrine of Tsuchizaki port region, and following the Mikoshi portable shrine, Hikiyama floats parade throughout the city.

写真 土崎神明社祭の曳山行事
写真 土崎神明社祭の曳山行事

47 towns in the region construct 9 groups to manage the festival. In the “Yoimiya” ritual on 20 July, Hikiyama is pulled around the city to visit and be purified at the shrine. 21 July is the main ritual of the festival, and the Mikoshi is paraded through the town to the shrine, and the floats of each town welcome it on the route. During the parade, young people and children pulling the floats perform dance and music on the street.

The Hikiyama floats are newly created every year by each town, and the number and kind of decoration of them are also different depending on the year. In some years, Okiyama is also constructed in the shrine.

写真 土崎神明社祭の曳山行事
地図画像 秋田県所在地
Tsuchizaki Shinmeisha
Contact Details
Akita Akita Tsuchizaki-kou Chuou 3-9-37
Tsuchizaki Shinmeisha
Tsuchizaki Shinmeisha Official Website
Minato Promotion Association Tsuchizaki Port Hikiyama Festival Official Website
